Home Health 13 Subtle Signs Your Husband Wants Divorce

13 Subtle Signs Your Husband Wants Divorce

13 Subtle Signs Your Husband Wants Divorce

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1. He blames you for everything

There is a lot of arguing, criticizing, blaming, stonewalling, and scorn. Do you blame him for all the wrong things that happen in your life or do you start disapproving of everything he does?

2. He’s not interested in making plans

Your husband is avoiding home improvements, even when he can afford them, or is reluctant to plan to have children, he may have plans to separate from you.

3. He argues and fights frequently

Fights can be about the smallest things for the children, finances, or anything else in life. Your partner may often pick a fight to show his resentment.

4. He moves finances around

Your husband doesn’t share details about your income, moves money from your joint account to your private account, or exhibits a change in behavior when it comes to spending and money, it could mean he wants to stay away from you or keep you out of his finances.

5. He is emotionally detached from you

You and your spouse used to have good communication and a solid emotional bond, but now you find him emotionally distant and uninterested in sharing his feelings with you. These signs may indicate that he is growing distant from you and perhaps thinking of leaving you.

6. He is no longer intrigued by intimacy

Despite your initial interest several times, if your man is not consistently interested in making love to you, you may have to wonder if your relationship is on the verge of dissolution.

7. He doesn’t care about your feelings or emotions

Your husband has stopped caring, being affectionate, or understanding your emotions may be an alarming sign of trouble in your relationship.

8. He constantly disrespects you

You may be concerned about how your husband has no interest in listening to you, starts yelling at you or ridiculing you in public, and makes false claims about you. If so, chances are he is thinking about ending your relationship.

9. He is often unavailable or busy

He is always “busy” and preoccupied with late nights at “work,” texting, disappearing for a walk, or phone calls with “a friend.” Suddenly tends to be away from home, working longer hours and shying away from communication or hanging out with you. These can be red flags of a man who wants out of a relationship.

10. He’s having an affair

If you discover that your husband is having an emotional or physical affair with another woman, this may suggest his precise intentions to leave you.

11. He repeatedly talks about separation

If your husband constantly threatens to leave you or tells you of his plans to divorce later in life, he may have clear thoughts of leaving you.

12. Your spouse is unwilling to work on the relationship to resolve conflicts or improve communication.

You have expressed your concerns that he or she is pulling away. You have offered to do whatever it takes to fix your marriage: counseling, date nights, even reading self-help books together. But your partner is not interested in taking steps to make things better.

13. He tries to inform himself about the divorce process

If he hears about your husband’s divorce plans from his friends or family, or comes across your Internet searches about divorce proceedings, these may be prominent signs that things are not right in your marriage, and your husband may bring up the topic of divorce early.

Note: These signs may not always mean that your husband wants to get a divorce; they may only be indicative and not definitive. Therefore, it is best to have a detailed conversation with your husband to understand if he really wants to end your marriage.

Source:momjunction.com, psychologytoday.com