Home Health 12 types of men you should totally avoid dating.

12 types of men you should totally avoid dating.

12 types of men you should totally avoid dating.

Types of men you should not date – There may be some women out there who face serious problems in their relationships just because they are with the wrong partner. You may have a habit of choosing your partner based on his physical appearance and not on his behavior and routine habits. And this is the main cause of all the problems you will face in your relationship with him. So, to make your lives easier, here are the 12 types of men you should completely avoid dating to stay away from any future problems.

1. The One Who Fears Commitment

While some men may be physically attractive, they lack any real commitment in a relationship. So, keep your gaze to the side for a while and check whether or not this man is ready for commitment

2. Smelly men

It goes without saying that unpleasant or foul-smelling men should be eliminated altogether!

3. Selfish guy

These types of men should not be dated. Your man should indulge in a type of love that is selfless. If he is selfish, then your relationship with him will not last long! Therefore, avoid selfish men.

4. Careless and irresponsible men

Careless and irresponsible men are not capable enough to take their own responsibilities. Such men are not bothered, so you should avoid dating them.

5. The faker

Men who fake are likely to deceive you. So be careful not to date one of them!

6. The unsociable person

These men are not so friendly and are busy in their own world. They are not the right kind of person for you.

7. The jerk

These men consider themselves superior to women and pretend to be the boss. You obviously don’t want these kinds of people in your life, so avoid them.

8. The F*ckboy

These men are only concerned with the physical relationship. They will never be ready for a long-term commitment and may leave you soon.

9. Childish Men

These types of men are immature. Although they are capable of making you laugh, they are not the right kind of people when it comes to being in a relationship and taking responsibility, they have childish behavior.

10. Desperate men!

It’s easy to know when a person is desperate. Avoid desperate men Because desperation is very different from attraction.

11. Mr. Holmes type

These are the guys who consider themselves smarter and more intelligent than others. They like to show off their knowledge. They always try to make themselves feel superior by putting others down.

12. Married men

These are the kind of men you can’t trust even one percent. They are more likely to cheat you.
