Home Life 12 Sure Signs That Sooner Or Later He Will Leave You

12 Sure Signs That Sooner Or Later He Will Leave You

The decision to leave a relationship is never an easy one to make. That’s why a lot of people might wind up staying in a relationship longer than they want to. In other words, a man might be thinking of leaving his relationship long before the break-up bomb is ever dropped!

No one wants to be the partner of someone who only plans to leave a relationship. But a lot of thought has to be put into the act of splitting up from someone you love. This could be why a man might take a while to solidify his decision.

This is why spotting and noticing little signs in advance that a break-up is on the horizon might be useful. It can give a partner time to prepare and process the information, and even open up the floor for discussion. Here are some signs sooner or later your man will leave you

1. He Is Only Romantic In Bed

2. He Hides His Emotions From You

3. He Avoids Attending Your Family Functions And Never Invites You Over To Meet His Parents

4. He Isn’t Into PDA

5. He Still Talks High About His Exes

6. He Doesn’t Reply To Your Messages

7. He Avoids Having Real Conversations With You

8. He Spends Most Of His Free Time With His Friends

9. He Walks Away From You Often

10. He Doesn’t Plan His Future With You

11. He Isn’t Caring Towards You

12. He Finds You Boring And Never Enjoys Moments With You

Image source: pexels

Article reference: powerofpositivity.com