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12 signs to find out whether your man is looking for something serious or he just wants to have short-term fun

12 signs to find out whether your man is looking for something serious or he just wants to have short-term fun

1. Transparency

If a man truly loves you, he will always be honest and open when communicating with you. Honesty is an essential part of every relationship. If he tries to avoid such conversation don’t waste your time with him.

2. Depth

When men are interested in a serious relationship, they will always try to find out more about their partners. He will never get tired of talking with you and will always be eager to learn more about who you are.

3. Exclusiveness

If his intentions are serious he will make it clear to you about how he sees your relationship. He will never make you feel uncertain or doubtful and will want your relationship to be exclusive.

4. He keeps his promises

A man who loves you will always care about your feelings and will never hurt you by breaking his promises. If he is unable to do something he will not lead you on in order to avoid disappointing you with false promises.

5. You are his priority

If he is honestly loves you and cares about your feelings, he will always make you his priority. He values you enough to put you in a position higher than most others, sometimes even the highest.

6. Actions speak for his thoughts

He not only says how he feels about you, but he also tries to show you whenever possible. When a man is sincere about his feelings you will figure them out by his actions that will express what he thinks.

7. Stability

Men who are looking for a serious relationship are mature people who seek stability in their lives, including their relationships. If he is already stable in other aspects of his life, he will definitely show you what he plans for the two of you.

8. Being respectful

He loves you enough to respect all of your thoughts and opinions on things even if he disagrees with you. He will also consider your perspective because he values your opinion.

9. Friends and family

A good partner will never forbid you from hanging out with your friends or family members because he loves you and wants you to have an outside circle. He will also try to get to know them and spend time with them.

10. Future plans

When making plans about the future, he always includes you. His plans are motivated and concrete and he does not only speak about them, but he actually intends to fulfil them.

11. Makes time for you

A sincere partner will love spending time with you as much as they can, whenever they can. He appreciates every minute he gets to be with you.

12. Knows his limits

If your partner respects you, he also respects your limits and boundaries. We all have our boundaries and he is mature enough to know not to cross yours.