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12 Girly Things That Men Love But Never Tell You About it Openly

Men have been doing girly things for ages but they never admit. A lot of men has the feminine touch and like to do all girly things that are mostly done by girls. Be it love for romantic movies, cute puppies, love letters, there are many things that men like. Men are taught to be strong, rough and tough, but deep down even they are soft and emotional. Here in this article, we have collected the list of girly things that men do. Keep reading to know more about it.

1. Love For Shopping

Who said shopping is just a woman thing? men love shopping equally. Just leave them in a store and you’ll know. Guys never actually tell others before going for shopping.

2. Shower Singers

Men love singing in the shower. There won’t be a lot of men who do not sing in the shower. They just absolutely love it. Only if you could see it!

3. Watching Romantic Movies

If your man says he only loves action or horror and hates romantic movies, he is lying because most of the men out there love watching romantic movies. In fact, they love getting cozy up with their partners and watching it.

4. Taking care Of Their Skin

Men care about their skin as much as women do. No matter what, they can go to any extent to take care of their skin. They use different cosmetics to make sure the skin is in good condition.

5. Gossping

Yes, men love gossiping too. In fact. In fact, they love it as much as a woman does. They love talking about other dudes, other girls and discussing their life at length!

6. Dessert lovers

Yes, guys love dessert but they never actually show their obsession.

7. Crying while watching emotional movies

No matter how hard you try but if you are an emotional guy, it’s quite difficult to control your tears rolling out.

8. Dramatic eye rolling

Guys can pull it off way better, and this picture below is the best example.

9. S3xy dance moves

Once drunk, we all love to turn the heat a notch up. But men like to do it anyways- drunk or not! By the way, men can pull off s3xy dance moves even better than girls.

10. Selfies

All of us know at least one person who loves taking selfies. Men are not only great and taking selfies of others but love taking selfies of themselves as well.

11. Using girl’s deodorant

Now you may think this is weird but its not. Girl’s deodorant smells much better than boys deodorant. Every man in this world will go for their deodorant of given a chance.

12. Cuddling

And finally, who in this world does not love to cuddle? I don’t know of anybody who doesn’t love cuddling!