Home News 101-Year-Old Woman Got to Hold Great-Granddaughter for the 1st Time Days before...

101-Year-Old Woman Got to Hold Great-Granddaughter for the 1st Time Days before Passing Away

A 101-year-old woman was lucky enough to meet her newborn great-granddaughter. The two shared a special moment that would live on for many years.

Rosa Camfield was born on June 13, 1913 and lived through many experiences. Her life was busy and vibrant, and she had a treasure chest filled with memories.

In her 40s, the Michigan woman became a teacher, and undoubtedly enjoyed telling stories. She was blessed and spent many decades with her loved ones.

The Heartwarming Photo

In 2015, a photo of Camfield went viral unexpectedly. Sarah Hamm,
Camfield’s granddaughter, shared a picture of her grandmother and her two-week-old baby—there was a 101-year difference between them!

In the photo, baby Kaylee slept peacefully in her granddaughter’s arms and this moment meant the world to Camfield, who had lived through the Depression and faced many ups and downs in life.

She Would Have Loved It

Sadly, Camfield didn’t have the chance to spend years with the newest family member when she passed away shortly after the photo was taken. This made this photo a bittersweet memory.

Hamm never expected the photo to garner millions of likes and shares. Netizens were drawn to it, and it evoked an emotional response from many people.

“My grandma would’ve loved this. She would probably yell at me for taking a bad picture of her, but no, she would probably say it melts her heart.”, Hamm explained how her grandmother likely would have responded to the attention.

Shocked by the Overwhelming Response

Camfield, who had found love again at 80 with her childhood sweetheart, would be missed by everyone who knew her. But they were immensely grateful for the many years they shared with her.

When Camfield was in her final days, she unknowingly inspired an internet frenzy. Many internet users were interested in her photo with baby Kaylee and chose to share their own multi-generational photo memories.

Countless people shared images featuring up to five generations in one photo. To Hamm and her family, the experience meant the world because it kept their grandmother’s memory alive.

“We were in complete shock that the picture took off like it did. Within an hour, it was clear that I had underestimated the impact it would have … as it was shared and liked hundreds of times per minute.”, Hamm added.

A Memory That Will Last a Lifetime

Camfield’s youngest daughter, Lynn Vine, revealed that her mother was a fighter, never letting anything get her down. Her mom’s opinion was simple:

“Put a smile on your face, and things will be better the next day.”, she said.

Though Camfield is no longer around, Hamm is happy because she captured an unforgettable moment between her daughter and grandmother, something both she and Kaylee would cherish forever.

Meanwhile, Hamm was thrilled with the response to her photo. “I think it’s sweet. The stories people will be able to tell their grandchildren and great-grandchildren [are] amazing.”, she shared.

Camfield didn’t have much time with her beloved great-granddaughter, but just one moment was enough. She is looking over little Kaylee now.