Home Health 10 Ways Your Body May Be Telling You Something’s Wrong

10 Ways Your Body May Be Telling You Something’s Wrong

10 Ways Your Body May Be Telling You Something’s Wrong

A desire to chew ice or to eat something salty all the time can be a sign of a deeper problem or a lack of minerals and vitamins, specialists say. That’s why it’s always a good idea to pay attention to any new developing habits, especially if they arise suddenly from out of nowhere.

We have made a list of things your body may try to tell you in hopes to help you live a long and happy life!

1. A crawling, creeping feeling in your legs

Have you ever had the feeling that an whole group of ants are running through your legs and feet? If these eccentric sensations in your legs and feet are proficient daily, then right here is what it might possibly be. The feeling is like bugs are crawling through your thighs, tingling, creeping or the impulse to keep shifting your leg. It may possibly be as a result of restless leg syndrome that is a long-term disorder which frequently manifests at night especially once you end up trying to acquire comfort.

Everything you Can do about it

It’s possible to try taking a heating tub or bleach that is undoubtedly one of the remedies for anxious leg syndrome. It is because the heat relaxes muscle cells and prevents twitching and spasms inside the leg. Epsom’s salts added to the bathwater may reduce pain.

2. Thickening of the skin

Don’t ignore skin problems or underestimate them. When the skin becomes thick and itchy, it can be a sign of a bunch of internal problems like a hormonal disorder, eczema, or allergies. You can have some blood tests done if this problem persists or if it appears to be getting worse.

3. A change in handwriting, a loss of smell, and intense dreams

You need to have known of Parkinson’s illness but it certainly is not a disorder whose signals everybody is conscious of about anyhow they have somebody or it inside the family has. Documents say that the indications of Parkinson’s embody slowness of movement, bad sleep, sleep with extreme targets and nightmares, address alterations, alterations in handwriting and unique alterations in cognitive customs.

4. Anger and aggressive behavior

Bursts of anger may not always be a result of your personality. In fact, it could be connected to depression, some researchers say. According to them, depression isn’t always just about having a lack of energy or experiencing sadness — you can have aggressive behavior as well.

5. Sleeping too much

When there’s sleeplessness, there’s got to be an undo of this also and it is hypersomnia which suggests sleeping an inordinate amount of. This is sometimes an outcome of distinct underlying situations not connected to exclusively fatigue. According to medical physicians, autoimmune disorders like hypothyroidism allows you to fall off to sleep almost everywhere. However ingesting alcohol sooner than sleeping may even have precisely the same effect.

6. Changes in eye color

If there’s a white or grey ring around the cornea of the eyes, it may be a sign of high cholesterol for people under 45 years old, doctors have noticed. The ring is harmless by itself and has only a visual effect.

7. Salt cravings

It’s okay to like salty food but when you can’t control it anymore and salty food becomes the only thing you want, it’s time to ask yourself why. This can signify an iron deficiency, anemia, dehydration or premenstrual syndrome, according to medical sources.

8. Forgetfulness, fatigue, and a low libido

Sometimes people confuse this with depression because it looks like you’re so tired and fed up with everything that you don’t have the energy to remember things. Doctors share that it’s better not to ignore such a condition because it can signify a thyroid hormone issue in the body. You also may gain weight and feel cold.

9. Always feeling thirsty

It’s not normal to feel thirsty all the time, specialists say. There are some cases when it can be connected to the food that you eat, so check to see if you’re eating too many spicy or salty products. The incessant thirst could also be a sign of diabetes or pregnancy.

10. Wanting to chew ice

A wish to crunch ice can be easily explained and it may be more than just a habit. An iron deficiency or anemia could be the reason for this unusual desire, some research has shown. You may want to have some blood tests taken to check and see if you need to start taking supplements.

What other surprising symptoms do you know of that could reveal things about your body’s condition? Please share your stories in the comments as they could be useful for someone else!

Source:demicblog.com, brightside.me