Home Health 10 Things to Say to Your Partner Instead of I Love You

10 Things to Say to Your Partner Instead of I Love You

10 Things to Say to Your Partner Instead of I Love You

For those who normally use this phrase too often that it doesn’t lose its meaning, it doesn’t have the same effect. While there is nothing wrong with that, it would be great to mix it up a bit. Maybe tell them what you like best about them. It will show that you are trying, rather than just saying I love you out of routine. It can also be stimulating for both of you.

Here are some things you can say to surprise them, instead of just saying I love you:

1. I love you.

Anything that begins with the f-word has a certain effect. And they say it with a special power. There is no better way to say what you mean. Swear to do a great job there!

2. My love for you grows every day

Love grows over time. So saying this would show that you recognize this fact and also notice it. You could always add something to that. For example, how you have grown to love some habit of theirs, or the way they talk when they are excited and so on.

3. How much do you enjoy watching them do something they love?

For some, these are the things that bring them together. It’s a good idea to relive those exact moments when you first felt something. It expresses the admiration you feel for them and can evoke something in them.

4. It can make me laugh like no other

Having a sense of humor is great, but having an intelligent sense of humor is even better. It helps keep things on the brighter side. In long-term relationships, we tend to take certain things for granted. For example, we get out of the habit of mentioning things that we like about our partners. So this will not only serve as a reminder and a compliment, but nothing else will make it more special. You will see how they focus on making you laugh more.

5. I love the way your body teases my mind. “Alfredo Cano”

Make sure they know exactly how much you crave their bodies. Yes, there are things more important than the body that may seem superficial to some. But at some point in your relationship, such things become equally important. You are both sure of how you feel about each other. Why not convince them that you want it too?

6. I enjoy our conversation as much as I enjoy the quiet.

It takes some time and effort to build something with someone where silence is comfortable. It is possible to understand their silence when you know their words. And silence is not comfortable at all; it walks silently.

7. You are the only person I will cling to every day.

Everyone has days when they don’t want to do anything. They don’t want to be with anyone. And you don’t have to worry about anything or anyone. The only people whose presence you don’t care about are theirs. So this is probably the most important thing you will ever say to them, and it will be received with great gratitude.

Source:gh.opera.news, relrules.com