Home relationship 10 Signs He’s Over You But Too Scared To Dump You

10 Signs He’s Over You But Too Scared To Dump You

10 Signs He’s Over You But Too Scared To Dump You

1. He’s Not Around as Much

When men are done with a relationship, they spend less time with their partner. It’s a form of “quiet quitting” the partnership. If everything is otherwise status quo, and he pulls back, he may be over the relationship.

2. He Forgets To Tell You Good Things

When something big or wonderful happens in your life, your romantic partner is probably one of the first people you tell. After all, why wouldn’t a partner want to share their joys with the person they love?

3. You No Longer Laugh Together

Humor and laughter are huge parts of any romantic union. However, if everything else is otherwise fine, yet the two of you cannot find anything to laugh about, he may want out.

4. You have to walk on eggshells around him because he’s gotten so irritable.

When a guy becomes so easily angered that you literally have to tiptoe around him, it’s no longer a healthy situation. Being forced to walk on eggshells is a sign the relationship is boiling over with resentment, anger, and hurt.

5. You Feel Anxious Around Him

Supportive, healthy partnerships feel good. When things are trending downward, it’s common to feel anxious when together. So if you’re feeling uneasy around him, it may actually be a sign that you’re not vibing and he wants out.

6. You get the feeling that he’s miserable.

You know the kind of misery I’m talking about, too. It’s that miserable where he no longer is the person he used to be, where it goes beyond depression into despair.

7. Others take precedence over you at increasing levels.

A good sign he’s done with a relationship is seeing how frequently he puts others above you. If you’re a bottom priority, you need to leave.

8. He’s been cheating on you, and you keep catching him.

In many cases, men who want to break up with their girlfriend will try to “provoke” her into doing so by cheating. Even if he’s not consciously trying to provoke you into dumping him, regular affairs are often indicative that he’s no longer interested in being in a relationship with you.

9. He Stops Talking About the Future

When your relationship is over, he’ll stop talking about the future.
Once you no longer share similar goals and cannot see the other person in your future, it’s probably time to pack it up.

10. He has told you he’s only with you because of the kids/obligation/comfort.

This isn’t even shady. He’s telling you he’s been over you for a while at this point. It may be time to listen to him.